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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৪ এপ্রিল ২০১৯

আইন বিভাগ


  • This department is working for Dhaka South City Corporation of its establishment of right, title and interests with respect to legal aspect of person and property.
  • It manages to contest the quick legal disposal of suits through its panel Advocates of the corporation in any case in the Court of any level.
  • This department passes legal opinion for case of any legal difficulties whenever any department of the City Corporation requires so for its internal management and for the settlement of legal question
  • Divorce matter and permission for second marriage of Muslims by religion be decided, settled and allowed by the RECONCILIATION COUNCIL, the delegated power and functions of the Honorable Mayor be exer

Key Contact

Email: lo@rpcc.gov.bd